Saturday, December 21, 2019


Open your heart, shine your light, and embody your high vibrational truth. Let your light build, grow, and expand. Let love and light shine outward from your heart all around you. Continue this practice as long as you like or until you sense that you are completely illuminated, standing in your divine presence, shining with the full brilliance and light of the divine spiritual being in physical form you authentically are. Shine with light, and so it is.

When there is love boundaries never exist and thoughts never thought never halt. Even though you are far my heart feels you’re never. I find safe in your arms as you take away all my fear. My one and only; I love you dearly and with all my heart I hope we never get apart. When I feel the care I can experience 'love is the air'. Look and count the stars my love is as much as they are. You are my only reason for joy I belong to love, that I can never deny The Melding of two bodies The Surging of two Souls. Love between the two of us keep us away from going old. Emotions beyond belief now fill me with ecstasy. Every song on radio is about you and me. I have finally found some think "You are a part of my Life". I love you Jaan perhaps one day I will be your wife.

U know what love is when u can't fall aslepp because reality is finally better than your dreamz.      